Oasis Beach Pool Story
Fusion Lifestyle, which operated the Oasis Beach Pool in Bedford, was sent a health and safety improvement notice back in August 2023. The notice was sent following an inspector’s visit to Bedford’s Oasis Beach Pool. Issues raised by the inspector in the notice included fire safety risks, a lack of hot water and panic alarms that did not work.
On 31 July, the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) was copied into an email sent anonymously to the council’s Environmental Health and Trading Standards Department, which claimed there hadn’t been any hot water at the venue since “January 2023”.
The inspector said it was clear during her visit that Fusion Lifestyle had “not made appropriate arrangements” to ensure “the health and safety of employees and members of the public.”
The leisure facility Oasis Beach Pool has not been open since November 2023, with owners Bedford Borough Council now changing to new operators, Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL).
GLL took over management of the site on 1 February 2024 and it said “a huge amount of work” was taking place “to improve the customer experience”.
Health and Safety Considerations
These are just some of the elements operators should consider in relation to swimming pools and leisure centres.
Swimming Pools
Risk Assessment
There are no swimming pool specific health and safety laws. However, swimming pool operators must comply with their general duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the associated regulations.
Operators must undertake a risk assessment of the health and safety of workers and users, to help decide what they must do to make their pool safe.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations – (CoSHH)
As a pool operator, you must carry out a CoSHH assessment to protect your workforce and visitors against health risks from hazardous substances used at work.
First Aid
When undertaking a first-aid assessment for swimming pool facilities, specific consideration should be made to the pool design. You will need to ensure:
- There is a suitably stocked first-aid box.
- An appointed person to take charge of first-aid arrangements.
- Information for all employees giving details of first-aid arrangements.
If your risk assessment has indicated that it is reasonably practicable to provide lifeguards, you should decide how many you need. The number of lifeguards required will depend on their ability to see someone getting into difficulties and being able to respond in a timely manner. A Lifeguard Zone Visibility Test (LZVT) can be used to help you determine the number of lifeguards.
The Bedford Oasis Beach Pool case highlights the critical importance of adhering to health and safety regulations in swimming pool facilities. Fusion Lifestyle’s neglect led to closure and a change in operators, emphasising the need for comprehensive risk assessments, control of hazardous substances, and adequate first-aid provisions to ensure the safety of employees and patrons.
Further information
For more information on the health and safety of swimming pools visit: https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg179.htm
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