Reviewing and updating your Risk Assessments should be carried out whenever there is a change to processes or personnel that might indicate a change in hazards and associated Risks – or in any event, at least annually. So why not make this spring your dedicated time to review yours? See our tips below to get you started….
- Conduct a thorough review: Review your risk assessment thoroughly and carefully, ensuring that all hazards have been identified, assessed, and control measures have been put in place.
- Check the effectiveness of control measures: Check that the control measures you have put in place are still effective, and if not, identify any new measures that may be necessary.
- Look out for new hazards: Look out for new hazards that may have arisen since the last review and ensure they are included in the assessment.
- Consult with employees: Consult with employees, particularly those who are most directly affected by the hazards identified in the assessment, to ensure their input and feedback is taken into account.
- Review your training and induction programmes: Review your training and induction programs to ensure they adequately address the risks identified in the assessment, and that all employees receive regular refresher training.
- Keep records up-to-date: Ensure that all records, including accident reports, are up-to-date and that any changes to the assessment are documented.
- Continuously monitor and review: Continuously monitor and review the effectiveness of the assessment and control measures, and make adjustments as necessary to ensure ongoing health and safety in the workplace.
Remember, health and safety risk assessments are a critical part of maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, and regular review is essential to ensure ongoing effectiveness.
The AssessNET Risk Assessment Module from Riskex features automated workflows and a task escalation tool to keep you updated on the status of Risk Assessments at all times – including dashboards which provide an “at-a-glance” view of Risk Assessments with reviews pending and overdue.
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